I Walked Away Because I Wasn’t Appreciate And Respected!
Why couldn’t you just take the bag of money and move on!
Why do you always mess things up Dianne!
How Do You Mess Up And Ending And A Beginning!
I Did Everything I Knew To Do To Give You A Solid Foundation
For Starting A New Life But That Wasn’t Good Enough For You!
“I Made You Whole “
You Repay Me By Lying To Me, Stealing From Me,
Betraying Me, Disrespecting And Dishonored Me!
And Then You Run And hide as is your custom!
You just have to win at any cost don’t you!
You have proven who you aren’t.
You definitely aren’t your Fathers daughter!
You have confirmed that you have some serious issues!
You went to a new low.
I’m going to go Roto Rooter on this!
Mistake 1:
I told you I wouldn’t be surprised if I never spoke with you again. I was OK with that! Just let me know what you want to do.
But you said “We are grown and should be able to have a basic relationship“. I laugh and said “Now That We Are Divorced, we are going to be Buds”. Ok, so let’s try that. Grown people don’t do what you did!
Our Civil And Decency Agreement
1. We agreed to leave our current life insurance policies in place until remarrying.
2. We would notify the other prior to remarrying to share with the other for updating purposes.
1. You remarried And didn’t Notify Me As You Said! – LIE# 1
2. You notified my sibling of your remarrying and invited them to your wedding and never said a word to me.
3. You Canceled My Life Insurance Policy And Didn’t notify me! LIE #2
4. You Failed To Return my Stones from the wedding band that you turned to earrings 10 years previously. THIEF
Mistake 2 : Failure To Apologize And To Repent!
I asked you 3 times to apologize for your conduct and you refused. You didn’t even have to mean it.
Then you block my phone number and my text and ghosted me while at the same time contacting my family and telling
my relatives that you divorced me for mental abuse when that not true!
To this day you do not know why I ended the marriage!
A Simple Apology Was Bar That Was Just Too High For You!
I told you I wasn’t giving you a pass on this!
You still think that you can walk away and things will go away!
You have brought this baggage into your new marriage!
Not A Smart Move Dianne!
And then you have your husband to write me!
What Lies did yo tell him?
What Lies Have You Told Cedric that caused him to send this letter to me!
Does he know what you are doing behind his back?
So Now You Have Provoked Me To Justice!
You’ve created a real mess now!
Your Options are very limited!
- A Simple Apology Would Have Eliminated All Of This! This is all your doing!
- You are pretty good at messing things up and running away!
- Now You are going to experience the effects and power of virtual properties and assets.
- I will tell my story make sure that every site with your name will have my story on it! I don’t have to lie And Steal!
My Justice Is Simply Publishing My Truth!
I will begin publishing my story SHORTLY!
Your Name Will Be Your Shame!
You could have undone what you did!
I can’t undo what I’am about to do!
I have 10Gigs of content to publish!
6 Hours Of Videos To Publish
You have been a real gift horse!
thebootstrapinitiative.Com – Gift Horse 1- Expires10-22-202t
thebootstrapinitiativellc.Com – Gift Horse 2 Expires10-22-2025
dianneparks.com Expires 9-22-2026
diannesharp.com Expires 9-22-2026
diannesharpdaniels.com Expires 3-22-2026
diannesharpparks.com Expires 3-22-2026
An Apology Would Have Been Cheaper!
Retail Value $125,000.00
Retail Price $125,000.00